Popstars Allstars – Never Give Up

Popstars Allstars – Never Give Up

never give UP

If you persist, you may overcome every difficulty in life!

How To Buy a Computer

Why do you wake up each day?

Why do you wake up each day?

Why do you wake up each day?

Do you get any idea or thought from this clip? Hopefully, yes!

Small Scale Action Research(SSAR)

Microteaching-PPT/lesson plan/worksheets/evaluation form

Comment on Group seven- ICT

Thanks for Clare, Milly and Angie’s great presentation on ICT. I know you all had gone through some pressure to figure out how to use these online softwares(U will/Hot Potatoes) and resources(Podcast/Webquest) these weeks. Now you three may take a nice break!!!

I feel ICT can do a lot of help to students’ learning if teachers are able to utilize ICT well and guild students how to use it. Like hot potatoes and podcast, they could cater for different levels of learners. Most importantly, students could practice language even outside the classroom. From my perspective, ICT should be a tool to help create more independent learners. That it, students are able to choose what they want to learn and improve and meanwhile decide how much progress they want to make. In addition, ICT like webquest, it is a good method for students to share knowledge and communicate with others. These are quite essential abilities in this modern IT society.

In the end, I’d drop few lines on Alice’ ICT learning journey here.

It’s impressive to learn how Alice got to enter the field of ICT at the very start up to now. I found Alice owned some valuable personalities such as challenging and hardworking,too. So, as teachers-to-be like us, shouldn’t we try to go forward learning new useful stuff instead of feeling timid about the unknown world? Bon courage! And keep on going on the way of our teacher professional development.

So “del.icio.us”

Dear all,

my link is as follows.

Through this exercise of using del.icio.us in this week’s lesson, I did explore lots of useful and interesting ESL online resources and added them into my del.icio.us. Somehow I realize modern teachers should use not only teaching materials from printed papers but also from online resources. Maybe it could make both teaching and learning more complete and diverse. Besides, I also find that it’s crucial for me to form the habit of organizing abundant information online. Or it is going to take me even a longer time if I want to search for one specific information later on. This is the thing I’d like to avoid of!

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